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Chula Chola & Hot Cheetos Unisex T-Shirt

Chula Chola & Hot Cheetos Unisex T-Shirt

SKU: 61E23BB392265_4016
23,00$ Precio
19,55$Precio de oferta
  • Shipping Information

    If you purchase multiple items, like a mug and a tote bag, they will ship separately. Tote bags and T-shirts are sent via drop-shipping, mugs, stickers and jewelry are shipped seperately.
  • Design Inspiration

    Chula Chola & Hot Cheetos: I know lot's of Educated Cholas, that love their Hot Cheetos, me included. Grew up with them and only discovered them when I got to middle school, as my friend's at the time, shared their Hot Cheeto bags. I know some people eat them daily or did, and probably hurt their stomach for the long term, but the Hot Cheeto addiction is real. I go on binges of hot cheeto weeks, on and off. Not the best for you, but sometimes this is where my serotonin needs to come from. As an adult, they have also been an instrumental part of coping with adulthood. Everytime I eat hot cheetos, I think of the one other Mexican or what felt was the only other Mexican person in my building at NYU, that brought me one of those 50 cent bags of Hot Cheetos. It was comforting and delicious. It was a little piece of L.A. at NYU, while we loss sleep and some sanity. This made it hurt a little less. And we're still friends. Look out for new merch for this, this week. Oh and we may have gastritis or stomach issues cause that's what they do! But we still go hard with cheeto fingers.

Educated Chola is a Latina lifestyle brand based in LA, with a unique twist, focused on our mental health/salud mental.


We aim to help individuals embrace mental health concerns and struggles within the Latino Community. Designing everyday mental health themed products, such as mugs, tote bags, t-shirts, and jewelry, we provide a subtle, yet powerful method for conversations around mental health to take place in Latino households.

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Chola educada TM

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